Donnerstag | 27. Februar 2025
20 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Gilbert & George have just two pieces
of advice for baby artists: Ask yourself “what do I want to say to the world today?” and “Fuck the teachers!”

The Meaning of the Earth offers a retrospective on the lives and Art of these relentlessly controversial artists, placing them within the context of 20th and 21st century art. Wolf Jahn tells the story of how Gilbert & George found their identity in opposition to pervasive ideas around social conformity and religion after meeting in St. Martin’s School of Art in 1967.

The artists staged an internal revolution, mining their psyches to create visionary and unwaveringly modern art. The “two people but one artist” ask the questions that gnaw at
us all: “Where do we come from?”, “Who are we?” and “Where are we going?” The book meditates on the artists’ role in our time, connecting
their beginnings as Living Sculptures
to their visionary art of today.

The Meaning of the Earth is a continuation of Wolf Jahn’s 1989 book, The Art of Gilbert & George. The author writes an intense philosophical inter-
rogation of Gilbert & George’s Art that truly grasps its cosmic scale.